Avocado oil uses and its benefits

Avocados is a western fruit inborn from Mexico south and this place is known as mother of avocado, Avocado is mostly grown in the flaming or hot-blooded atmosphere. Mostly people ask that Avocados are fruit or vegetable? So let me clear that avocado is a fruit with single seed and its flavor is very delicious, Avocado trees are evergreen and its height is from 15 to 20 meters. Avocado tree can grow in poor water or low water availability. Avocado oil mostly used/sell in united states. You found same avocado oil benefits in different types:

Types of Avocados














How is avocados oil made?

Manufacturers produce avocado oil by mechanically extracting it from avocado seeds. This process involves applying physical force or using machines to press the seeds of avocados and any other oil-producing seeds. Industrially, manufacturers commonly use expellers for oil extraction, making it the most common method for mechanical extraction.

Avocado oil can also made from

We can also produce avocado oil from crushing or mashing pulp of a fresh avocados. The process of producing oil from pulp is that we create paste first and then put it into water and heat it, after that we spin it and perform skimming. In this way we produce oil.

Over all we produce 29.99% oil from pulp and 3% from seeds and 8% from the skin. Here we have to not one thing that the percentage of oil may change in different forms of avocados.

Avocado oil benefits and uses

There are many benefits of avocado oil following bullets can clear the benefits which we got from this oil:


Avocado oil can be used as cooking oil it makes good taste of any recipe. You can use this oil in cooking meet any vegetable etc.

Avocado oil can be used as alternative of olive oil

Improve heart health

Avocado oil contains oleic acid which is soluble fat that’s why this oil improve heart health. It also includes vitamin E and this oil is rich source of monosaturated fat and polysaturated fatty acid.

Reduce cholesterol

This oil decreases our bad cholesterol level and increase good cholesterol level which mean decrease LDL and increase HDL. LDL cholesterol may cause of blockage of heart or blood arteries and HDL cholesterol reduce cholesterol from heart and blood arteries.

Keep eyes healthy

As we know that avocado oil is consist of lutein that is good for eyes health. This oil is also consisting of vitamin E and zeaxanthin which protects eyes from ultraviolet rays of sun.

Source of nutrients

Avocado oil contains many nutrients which is very beneficial for our good health, list of some nutrients in avocado are as follows:

Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C



Omega 6



Source of vitamin E

Experts said that avocado oil contain almost 49.5 mg vitamin E per 200 mg oil its mean one tablespoon contain 3.33 mg vitamin E.

Prevent cancer

This oil is full of many different anti-cancer acids which minimize the growth of cancer cells which clearly shows that avocado oil is best for cancer prevention.

Avocado oil reduce depression

This oil can help us as anti-depression because this oil holds tryptophan and predecessor of serotonin. These things can help and foster our mood to be good and also general well-being.

Better digestion

We know that fibers help our digestion system to digest food better, avocado oil contains many fibers that’s why this oil is said to be good for better digestion. It is also consisting of many different vitamins and nutrients these are also helpful in better digestion.

Source of seditious compounds

This oil consists of many seditious compounds like:





Avocado oil benefits for pregnancy

This oil is rich in many different minerals, many omegas fatty acids, fats which is very helpful for baby development during pregnancy. This oil can also be used for stretch marks recovery. If someone needs better results she can follow this balanced diet plan too.

Salad use

We can use this oil in salad as salad dressing of roasted foods and also for meet and chicken things, this oil is also alternative of all other oils which may use for salad dressing.

Avocado oil benefits for hair and nutrition of avocado oil

For healthy hair we have to take vitamins and must use less shampoo as you can, also manage your scalp and use hair mask. As we discuss we need previous things for healthy hair. We can use avocados in different ways but here we discuss about avocado uses for hair. This oil contains many of these and much more benefits on hair growth and natural hair recovery it consists of wonderful nutrients and vitamins that’s why avocado oil good for hair, following list reveal most shocking advantages of this oil:

  • Reduce dandruff
  • Protect hairs from UV radiations
  • Defend hair from damage
  • Preclude hair from breakage
  • Can be used as conditioner
  • Source of vitamin A, D & E
  • Have biotin
  • Easy absorbable oil
  • Promote hair with fatty acids
  • Defend hair by antioxidant
  • Easy scalping massage
  • Source of minerals
  • Hot oil treatment use
  • Help to speedup blood flow in your scalp
  • Can be used as hair mask
  • Improve hair shining
  • Best for dry hair
  • Best for frizzy hair
  • Natural hair growth

Avocado oil VS Olive oil

Avocado oil and olive oil both are consist of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, fats, fibers, potassium, minerals, vitamins which helps to improve health. Both oils contain almost similar benefits except some we can use avocado oil in place of olive oil and also, we can use olive oil in place of avocado oil. There is a slight difference in taste and all others facts mostly same in both.

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